First Presbyterian Church of Kerrville Youth Retreat | Mo-Ranch – Hunt, Texas

Mar 31, 2023

First Presbyterian Church of Kerrville Youth Retreat
Event Location: Mo-Ranch – Hunt, Texas

First Presbyterian Church Kerrville hosted a weekend retreat at Presbyterian Mo-Ranch Assembly from March 31st – April 2nd. 14 youth from four different Kerrville area churches attended. Denominations represented were: Presbyterian, Methodist, Non Denominational and Church of Christ. All three small group sessions, games and worship service resources produced by Presbyterian Youth and Triennium were used. As we unpacked the questions – where do we see God in Kerrville, where does God find us, and how can we show God to others – conversations, meals, games, and laughter were shared among the youth and adult sponsors. The grant made it a completely free event for youth. This event has allowed for conversations to continue about where we see and are seen by God.