We are excited for the 2025 Triennium – As If We Were Dreaming! As you begin to plan for next summer, we would like to share some information with you about our new Groups model to help youth and adults engage in our conference theme.

Community Groups
Over the past couple of years, we have been dreaming about PYT and how we can serve the young people of our denominations. We thought about ways to provide a small group opportunity as well as leadership development and training. We have some AMAZING leadership gifts in our denominations, and we would love to foster and develop them. To do this, we will make some shifts from what was previously known as “Small Groups” to “Community Groups.”
First, we will shift the makeup of the groups to be delegation-based. Youth and adults will meet with the other participants from their presbytery, church, or caucus delegation. We have learned that the ability for groups to build community and gather within their geographic region has become increasingly harder with the busyness of life. By making this shift, we hope that groups will continue their community together once they return home. These will be called Community Groups.
Second, the leaders/facilitators for these Community Groups will be a combination of youth and adults from each delegation. Many of the youth and adults who attend Triennium are leaders within their own ministry setting. We are excited to support them in these roles and help them develop as leaders! To help these Community Group Leaders prepare, we will provide additional leadership training so they can lead groups beyond the Triennium experience. Registrars will be responsible for identifying their delegation’s group leaders as part of registration.
Third, we will recruit a smaller number of experienced leaders (including former small group leaders) who will assist in the training of our Community Group Leaders. This group will be our Community Group Trainers. Each of these recruited trainers will work with a handful Community Group Leaders to do training and support them onsite during the event. Applications for Community Group Trainers will be accepted through March 1. Additional information and the online application can be found below!
Interest Groups
Lastly, we will be offering Interest Groups during afternoon free time on Tuesday and Wednesday. These groups will be focused on a particular topic and led by someone with experience in this area. Participants will have the option to choose the topics that speak most to them. These groups will also provide folks the opportunity to meet other participants from the event and make connections over shared interests with people outside of their delegation. Interest Groups are optional and will meet twice during the event.
Community Group Trainer Expectations & Requirements
We are looking for Community Group Trainers who:
- are experienced youth leaders (volunteer or professional)
- have experience in training and supporting small group leaders
- are excited about accompanying young people on their PYT journey
- ultimately value the experience our young people have — encountering God’s Word, forming Christian community and growing in faith at Triennium — more than their own experience
- embody the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
- will be 22 years old or older by June 30, 2025
- will be available and fully present for virtual and/or in person Community Group Trainer training (dates TBD)
- are willing to step in and lead a community group onsite as needed
- will be available for the Triennium event Monday, July 28 – Thursday, July 31, 2025
- will abide by the PYT Community Guidelines
Please submit applications as soon as possible and no later than March 1, 2025.
Contact with any questions.