Recreation Leaders

Christian Antwi

Christian Antwi

Howdy, I am Christian Antwi and more than anything I am excited about what opportunities Triennium can bring to you and your church family. Events like Triennium can deepen faith, relationships and sprout new ideas about how you fit into God’s plan. Play and recreation is an extraordinary way for God to show up in our lives. God introduces Godself through the relationships we deepen with one other, and recreation and play is one of the best ways to deepen relationships. Coming from Austin, Texas, I am looking forward to seeing what God can do at Triennium for you, through you and by you.
Eric Dillenbeck

Eric Dillenbeck

Eric lives in Cleveland, OH where he is a “free range” pastor. He has served congregations in SC, GA, and Ohio, with a primary focus on educational ministry with youth and young adults and missional engagement. Currently he works as the Director of Work Experience Programs for Youth Opportunities Unlimited, a youth workforce development organization. Eric enjoys spending time with friends and family, which provides plenty of opportunities for a good laugh over silly games and shared stories.
Omayra L. Gonzalez Mendez

Omayra L. Gonzalez Mendez

Omayra L. Gonzalez Mendez is a marketing director with experience in the production of news events and television programs. Creating, designing and organizing are some of her strengths. She is super passionate about the Church! She takes every free minute to work in different organizations of the Presbyterian Church, both locally and internationally. As an elder in the Presbyterian Church in Hato Rey, she leads different committees and works with the community. She believes that all parts of the church are equally important. So, she will take her summer to sit and follow the committees of the General Assembly of the PCUSA and fly the next day to lead recreation at a youth event. All matters of the church, from governance to youth conferences, fascinate her.
Joanna Wilkinson

Joanna Wilkinson

Joanna Wilkinson grew up in southwest Missouri and received her bachelor’s in Commercial Arts Graphic Design. She went on to grad school at Memphis Theological Seminary to earn a Master’s in Youth Ministry. She lived in Tennessee for eight years after college, serving in ministry. Working as a youth minister by day in the Nashville area and graphic designer in every spare moment. Joanna is a certified Youth Minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and has served in youth ministry in various roles in churches, presbyteries, camps, and conferences. She met her husband Neal in seminary, and shortly after he was ordained in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, they moved back to her home state, Missouri, where they are both active in the presbytery. She has two kids who soak up her time and snuggles, while building forts, playing dress up, making loads of messes and giggles fill the air. She opened up an event venue as a side hustle in their community’s downtown along with her sister in 2020. She works in the offices upstairs of their brick-and-mortar building, using her graphic design background in marketing for a bank. She led recreation on stage at Faith in 3D in 2012 & 2017. Joanna has served at PYT in various capacities over the years, many of them in Recreation, and is excited about this new adventure as PYT “DREAMS” of Louisville, KY.